Sunday morning services begin in the sanctuary at 8:45 AM and incorporates elements of traditional worship with contemporary praise songs, multimedia presentations, a little jazz piano, and maybe even a magic trick. Sunday services are live-streamed and broadcast the following Sunday at 9:00 AM on radio station KCOB-FM 95.9 and KCOB-AM 1280.
Reaching Up—
to God through worship is at the center of everything we do.
Sunday Mornings (8:45 AM)

Advent and Lent Devotions
At 10:30 AM on Wednesdays during Advent and Lent we hold a brief devotional service in the chapel led by lay members of the church.

Worship Through Music
Music is an important element of worship at First United Methodist Church. Rachel Faidley, director of music, leads the music ministries of the church. Meet Rachel and click the link to learn more and find out how you can participate.